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Bored To Death
from the album
Happy End!

Lost For Seven Years
from the album
Happy End!

Foretaste : New video out now!

When you thought you had just reach the End, and an happy one this time around. Well, just not yet... not quite.

Today, Foretaste unveils the video to their instrumental track Bored to Death which is available below.

This is the third music video from their acclaimed latest album Happy End! more info...

[10/09/2021 | 13h54 ]

Foretaste : New album happy end! and video for lost for seven years out now!

The wait is over : today sees the release of Happy End!, Foretaste's brand new record. If you haven't ordered your copy yet, you can do it at the following link as this sixth album surely is not one to be missed with its unique blends of harsher sound and catchy melodies.

Four years after their super-produced album Space Echoes, Foretaste are back with Happy End!, a new album which was recorded during a year that didn’t really go as planned and whose title and sleeve are the ironical echoes of these very peculiar times.

With a sneak preview in December thanks to the Lost: Run! EP that delivers the sounds of controlled chaos, no one will miss the fact that the production on this new record changes once more, shifting towards a harsher and more raw sound, with brand new rhythmic tricks which best serve the band's uniquely crafted melodies.

This sixth chapter is one of a band that leaps into the unknown while still having a glance behind their shoulder, a band that proudly built on a know-how over their five previous albums, allowing them to look beyond the horizon with a new record that is already considered as their most adventurous to date.

On this special occasion, the band is also unveiling their new video for Lost For Seven Years, the second single from the album. Head to the following link to watch it right now on YouTube more info...

[12/02/2021 | 08h42 ]

More about Foretaste



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Latest releases

Happy End!

(CD album)

Lost: Run!

(digital e.p.)

Alter Egoes

(CD album)